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Next Level Systems Health Care

Are you ready to take your practice to the Next Level?

Build and expand your education of health care – specifically Systems Health Care. You’re going to learn an amazing amount of information in each video series and even more each time you rewatch. Dr. Gangemi demonstrates and explains in detail all the new techniques and protocols he’s developed over his 25 years in practice as well countless clinical insights, health tips, and patient and practitioner educational material. If you’re not interested in truly grasping how systems in your body relate to one another creating either health or dysfunction – this is not for you.

Take Your Practice to the Next Level!

Series 4: A Deeper Understanding of SHC Testing Procedures, Protocols and Visceral Clinical Insights

Are you ready to further evolve your understanding and training in manual muscle testing, surrogate testing, the immune system, and evaluating and treating common brain imbalances? Hopefully the answer is yes. Also in this SHC Video Series #4 you’ll learn a massive amount of new protocols and testing procedures for many visceral conditions. These videos will take you a more than a weekend to watch and fully understand, so don’t plan on binge watching them like they’re your next Netflix series!

See Video Chapter Titles Here

Series 5: SHC Big Guns: Four New Techniques You’ll Use Often to Take Your Practice to the Next Level

Series #5 is called “Big Guns” because it’ll arm you and your practice with the knowledge you’ll need to get past those tough patients and hard-to-fix conditions. Don’t be deceived with how short this series may appear to be via the clock. These are very specific and detailed procedures you’ll use every day in your office, and perhaps on every patient you see. It’s one of those “how did I practice before knowing this?” type of knowledge. If you’re into a “quick-fix” and symptom approach style of practice, you best stay home with your kitty cats.

See Video Chapter Titles Here

Series 6: Structural: The Neurotransmitter: Cranial Fault Connection and Many More New Key SHC Testing Concepts, Procedures, and Myofascial Corrections

So you say you like to treat the cause and not the symptom? Well, everyone says that today but in Systems Health Care, we actually do it. Our structural protocols and techniques go beyond the norm and these videos specifically will help you understand connections between conditions and conditions causing connections. If you treat people with cranial bones, jaw joints, and fascia then you’re not going to want to miss out. If you don’t, God help you.

See Video Chapter Titles Here

Series 7: Structural: Nutritional: New SHC Testing Protocols For Nutrition and Biochemistry Pathways, Digestive Issues, and More Diaphragm and Breath Work Protocols

Video Series #7 is definitely “Next Level.” Some might say not to be scared by the word “advanced” in that one chapter title but I’m telling you that you should be as it’ll make you think and really grasp how systems work in your body and how to best approach treating them. This video series will take your understanding and treatment of nutritional, metabolic, and visceral conditions so far beyond the “Next Level” you’ll have to watch it a second time just to get the half of it. Watch it a third time and you’ll get the half of the half you missed the first time. Eventually it’ll all just click together and you’re going to see the beauty of Systems Health Care.

See Video Chapter Titles Here


The Entire 4-Set Next Level Video Series

The Entire 7-Set SHC Video Series

The Entire 4-Set Next Level Video Series

and The Systems Health Care Manual

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The Entire 7-Set SHC Video Series

and The Systems Health Care Manual

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